Welcome to Downtown Winston-Salem
Previously named one of America’s Best Downtowns by Forbes, Downtown Winston-Salem continues to be the crown jewel of the growing city. Stepping into the downtown district of Old Salem feels like a time warp to the 18th century, where a little slice of heavenly history resides amid exciting new developments. Here, you’ll find antique shops and charming old churches mixed with the ever-changing Downtown Arts District and Fourth Street’s Restaurant Row.
Ready to explore more of this dime of a city? Let's take a stroll along the Downtown Winston-Salem streets!
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Welcome to Downtown Winston-Salem
You won’t find many cities as passionate about preserving and growing their downtown districts as Winston-Salem, exemplified through the Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership. This partnership’s innovative plan is dedicated to helping Downtown Winston-Salem reach its fullest potential. Already thriving off the substantial support of its community members, Downtown Winston is the go-to destination for all things fun and fresh. Home to tons of annual events, endless entertainment options, and must-visit historical attractions, this downtown district is a stand-out among other cities—and believe us, it’s only getting bigger and better!
Things to Do in Downtown Winston-Salem
Getting Around
Greensboro: 30 minutes
Durham: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Major Roads: US 52, US 158
Airport: Piedmont-Triad International Airport
Population: 1,500
Median Home Value: $182,500
Median Rent: $960
Ready to Find Home in Downtown Winston-Salem?
Looking for your dream home in Downtown Winston-Salem? We can help you find the perfect home in just the right neighborhood. Give us a call today to learn more about living in Downtown Winston-Salem, or browse some of our free buyer's resources below!
Selling a home in Downtown Winston-Salem? We can certainly help you out with that, too!